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[service_box title=”quality parts,” subtitle=”high performance” icon=”no” text=”Welcome to Meztekinc
We’re all professional in Wideformat Printers & Parts and as far as we’re concerned, nothing beats getting the service you deserve, saving money, and getting quality products you can rely on. Let us help you Keep your printers performing at their best.” btn_text=”read more” btn_link=”http://www.meztekinc.com/about/” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”text_banner wow fadeIn”]
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[service_box title=”ONLINE ORDER” icon=”ordericon” text=”Your Product is at your ‘door step’. Visit our parts store page to place an order and we will send it to the address provided. If you do not see what you are looking for, contact us and we will try and source it for you.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”span4 red wow bounceInLeft”]
[service_box title=”TECHNICAL SERVICES” icon=”technicalicon” text=”Let us put your mind at ease! We service all Gandinnovations JETI models.
With extensive experience from building, to R&D, to running, to servicing, we can have your JETI up and running in no time.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”span4 green wow bounceInUp”]
[service_box title=”CONSULTING” icon=”consultingicon” text=”Are you looking to purchase a wideformat printer?
Let us come in and analyze your needs and help you test various wideformat printers to meet your needs.” btn_size=”normal” target=”_self” custom_class=”span4 blue wow bounceInRight”]